dr. Jeremi M.F. Wasiutyński (1907-2005)
- "Jak zbudowałem reflektor astronomiczny" ("How I built a telescope"), 12 pp., author's own printing, Warszawa 1925.
- "Jak konała planeta" ("How a planet died"), science fiction story in the Polish daily newspaper Gazeta Warszawska 11–18 April 1928.
- O fotograficznem wyznaczaniu momentów stycznosci zewnetrznych podczas zacmien slonca i o obserwacjach zacmienia slonca" (Resumé: "Sur la méthode photographique de déterminer les moments des contacts extérieurs pendant les éclipses du soleil et sur les observations de l'éclipse partielle du soleil") - 12 November 1928 at the Warsaw observatory. 30 pp., printed by the astronomical observatory at University of Warszawa, 1929.
- "The Variable Star A. K. Herculis", thesis (Polish summary: "Gwiazda zmienna AK Herculis"), 16 pp., University of Warszawa 1930, reprinted 1931.
- "Astronomia Ogólna" ("General astronomy"), 2 volumes in typescript by professor M. Kamieński and magister Jeremi Wasiutyński, 716 pp and 4 plates, Warszawa 1932/36.
- "Poczatki mitu" ("The beginnings of the myth"), excerpt from the coming book about Copernicus, Skamander magazine, 1936, pp. 454-460.
- "Fabryka ludzi" ("The Human Factory"), film scenario, Film artystyczny ("Film art"), ed. Stefan Themerson, January/February 1937.
- KOPERNIK. Twórca nowego nieba ("Copernicus, the Creator of the New Heavens"), 662 pp with 125 plates and 1 map. Warszawa 1938.
- "Kopernikus - en innviets liv og dåd" ("Copernicus - the life and achievement of a mystic") , Magasinet for alle, pp. 4-9, nr. 39, 1940.
- "Kopernikus og hans arbeid med den nye verdensmodell" ("Copernicus and his work on the new model of the world"), pp. 14-32, Fra fysikkens verden, Oslo 1943.
- Verden og Geniet, fra solsystemets dannelse til i dag ("World and the genius" - from the creation of the universe till today"), 3 vols., 938 pp; illustrated; Nasjonalforlaget, Oslo 1943/44.
- Studies in Hydrodynamics of Stars and Planets, doctoral dissertation, 486 pp., Det Norske Videnskapsakademi, Oslo 1946.
- "Barnet og sfinxen" ("The Child and the Sfinx"), short story, Magasinet for alle, Oslo, nr. 9–10 1949.
- Geniet og det overnaturlige (The Genius and the Supernatural"), 98 pp., Ernst G. Mortensens forlag, Oslo 1950.
- Universets utvikling. Fra senere tids forskning ("The Development of the Universe"), 85 pp., Ernst G. Mortensens forlag, Oslo 1950.
- "The Dynamic Constitution of the Outer Layer of the Sun", Annales d'Astrophysique, Tome 21, 1958, pp. 119–150; 69–185.
- Universet ("The Universe"), 412 pp., 38 pl. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo 1963. Revised edition 1965.
- Creation. Materials to the General Theory of Reality, 3 vols in quarto, 1947 pp., 78 pl., Oslo 1996.
- "Den kopernikanske revolusjon og dens skjulte bakgrunn" ("The Copernican revolution and its hidden background"), Ergo 2/1973, pp. 96-105.
- "Menneskehetens globale krise og videnskapens rolle" ("The global crisis of man and the role of science"), Ergo 4/1975, pp. 223-231.
- Det kosmiske drama og drømmer om den kongelige vei på terskelen til en ny tid ("The Cosmic Drama and Dreams about the Royal Path at the Beginning of a New Era"), 382 pp., Pax Forlag, Oslo 1998.
- The Speech of God, From the Meta-Cosmic Beginnings to the Forthcoming Terrestrial Crisis in an Attempt at Human Understanding, 257 pp., 35 plates, Solum Forlag, Oslo 2002.
- The Solar Mystery. An Inquiry Into the Temporal and the Eternal Background of the Rise of Modern Civilization, 478 pp., 80 plates, Solum Forlag, Oslo 2003.
- KOPERNIK. Twórca nowego nieba ("Copernicus, the Creator of the New Heavens"), new, revised edition. 581 pp with 123 plates. Adam Marszalek, Torun 2007.
- Copernicus. Skaperen av en ny himmel. Norwegian translation of KOPERNIK, 688 pp, 140 illustrations, Vanse, Norway 2017.