The Solar Mystery
An Inquiry Into the Temporal and the Eternal Background of the Rise of
Modern Civilization
by Jeremi Wasiutyński
Solum Forlag, Oslo 2003
478 pp. 80 plates
Contents of The Solar Mystery
Introduction and Survey of the Subject
- The Mystery Man Georgios Gemistos Plethon and the Unification of the World
- The Spiritual Marriage of Italy and Greece, and the Final Division of the Christian East and West
- Plethon’s ‘Laws’, in so Far as They Escaped an Orthodox Auto-da-fé, and Their Mythical Ancestry
- Proclus’ Oscillating Universe as Compared to Plethon’s Steady-State Universe
- The Solar Mystery in the Chaldean Oracles
- Salvation in the Chaldean Oracles
- Renaissance Platonism and the Etruscan Mystery
- Julius Pomponius Laetus and the Supposed Antipapal Conspiracy of the Roman Academy
- Callimachus’ Ascent Between East and West
- Callimachus, Nicholo, and the Humanistic Circle of Vladislavia
- Copernicus’ Studies in Cracow, and the Phoebean Sodalities of Conrad Celtis
- Basic Data Concerning Copernicus’ Sojourn in Italy
- The Italian Background of Copernicus’ Cosmological Revolution
- Venice as the City of the Sun
- Star of the Saviour
- The Renaissance of Dream
- The Mystery-Man Called the Great Giorgio, and the Enigma of His ‘Three Philosophers’
- Hermetic and Mystic Interpretations of Giorgione’s ‘Three Philosophers’
- Giorgione’s ‘Three Philosophers’ as Representatives of Different Systems of Philosophy or Astronomy
- The Early Works of Giorgione in Relation to the Origin of ‘The Three Philosophers’
- The Birth and Infancy of a Hero in Giorgionesque Art
- The Search for the Lost Soul in Giorgione’s Work
- Giorgione’s and Copernicus’ Social Contacts in Venice and Padua
- Zodiaci Mystici Virgo
- The Development of Giorgionistic Painting, and the Hermetic Circles of North Italy
- The Twenty-Seven Years of Becoming of Copernicus’ System of the World
- The Cycle of Copernicus’ Personal Transformation, ca. 1529–1541
- Rheticus and the Publication of De revolutionibus
- Copernicus as a Seer Exposed to the Mockery of the Mob
- Copernicus and the Healing of the World
- Copernicus’ Reading and His Venetian Book Acquisitions
- Copernicus’ Supposed Portraits
- The Authentic Title of Copernicus’ Major Work
- Ancient and Copernican Cosmical Physics as Projections of the Laws of Creative Self-Realization
- Copernicus’ Supposed Solarization of the Christian Mysteries
- Alexander von Suchten, Alchemist and Physician, Copernicus’ Protégé